Ye Olde Precise Drilling Technique

Pretty sure this one goes back to the dawn of time. But unless you’ve been living under a rock here is a quick and easy way to drill precise holes every time.

Tools required for this project

Tape. Marker. Drill Bits. Measuring Tape

Step One: Measure up the bit to the exact depth you want to drill to.

Step Two: Mark your line on the bit.

A picture containing measuring stick, object, indoor

Description automatically generated
It is hard to see my mark but it is there if you look in the photo.

It is hard to see my mark but it is there if you look in the photo.

Step Three: Get ready for the “good stuff.” Now wrap a piece of tape around the bit to mark the depth.

In this example I was using a ¼”  drill bit and wanted every hole to be exactly 2 ¼” deep
This project I had painters tape handy, but really any tape will do.


Step Four: Drill until your tape guide is flush with your surface.

This will ensure you don’t drill too deep or too shallow. It’ll be just right!

Now you can drill like a pro every time!  Even if your just a DIYer! Watch for flying tools!

Optional Steps: I grabbed my compressor and blew the shavings out of the holes

Since I want an exact depth, I don’t want have shavings built up at the bottom. The fine tip blow gun is perfect for this.

Hit the holes with sand paper to clean them up really quickly and avoid splinters. Notice the difference in the two below.

Before sanding
Left hole had been sanded. Right hole has not.

I used my mouse sander but regular sand paper and elbow grease would work just fine too.